Xtrella is a sourcing agency that connects top-tier buyers in Asia with quality suppliers worldwide.

Accelerating Growth 加速增长
About Us 关于我们
We accelerate growth by making the right connections.
We work with well-established multinationals and state-owned enterprises, primarily in China. We take pride in the deep relationships we have built with our clients over the years, and value the trust that they place in our services.
We source from a global network of trusted suppliers. Suppliers value our clear communication, transparency, and deep understanding of our client needs.
我们通过建立正确的联系来加速增长。 我们与知名跨国公司和国有企业合作,主要是在中国。多年来,我们已经与我们的客户建立起深厚合作关系,对此我们感到自豪并重视他们对我们服务所给予的信任。 我们从全球网络中可信赖的供应商采购。合作的供应商重视我们对于客户需求的深刻理解和与他们清晰地沟通。
Our Focus 我们的重点
We source primarily wood products, agricultural commodities, and machinery.
Let’s Work Together 让我们一起工作
We’re always excited to work with new partners. Feel free to get in touch and lets discuss opportunities for future growth.